
  • Apa Perbedaan Antara Komunikasi Paralel Dan Serial
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 23. 18:42
    Apa Perbedaan Antara Komunikasi Paralel Dan Serial

    Untuk mengirim data dari arduino ke PC dan menerima data dari PC kita bisa menggunakan berbagai cara salah satunya yg paling sederhana adalah komunikasi Serial yg terdapat pada setiap board Arduino. Perlu kita ketahuai pemrograman sketch arduino menggunakan gaya bahasa C tapi pada pembuatan librarynya menggunakan C yg menerapkan pemrograman Objek (Class).

    . Silakan BBC materi perkuliahan dari pertemuan 8 sampai dengan pertemuan 14.

    Comment harus bermanfaat, tidak dianjurkan hanya 2 atau 3 kata seperti Good job, Sangat bagus dan sejenisnya. Contoh pada link ininote:. Jika sudah menyelesaikan assignment wajib melakukan share ke milis untuk lakukan diskusi dan dikomentari oleh minimal 3 teman baik di milis maupun pada link jawaban. Semua jawaban dalam TL601D ini dilaporkan dalam bentuk seperti dengan cara Add New Post di dalam.Selamat mengerjakan ^^. Apa yang dimaksud dengan modulasi dalam komunikasi data2.

    Berikan contoh untuk bentuk komunikasi: a.Full Duplex b. Half Duplex c. Simplex Duplex3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Equipment sharing, dan apa peran komdat untuk equipment sharing4. Jelaskan perbedaan metode trasmisi: a.

    Baseband b.BroadbandApa perbedaan metode transmisi Serial dengan parallelJawaban:1. Modulasi adalah proses pencampuran dua sinyal menjadi satu sinyal. Biasanya sinyal yang dicampur adalah sinyal berfrekuensi tinggi dan sinyal berfrekuensi rendah. Dengan memanfaatkan karakteristik masing-masing sinyal, maka modulasi dapat digunakan untuk mentransmisikan sinyal informasi pada daerah yang luas atau jauh. Sebagai contoh Sinyal informasi (suara, gambar, data), agar dapat dikirim ke tempat lain, sinyal tersebut harus ditumpangkan pada sinyal lain. Dalam konteks radio siaran, sinyal yang menumpang adalah sinyal suara, sedangkan yang ditumpangi adalah sinyal radio yang disebut sinyal pembawa (carrier).

    Jenis dan cara penumpangan sangat beragam. Yaitu untuk jenis penumpangan sinyal analog akan berbeda dengan sinyal digital. Penumpangan sinyal suara juga akan berbeda dengan penumpangan sinyal gambar, sinyal film, atau sinyal lain.2.A. SiplexAdalah mode komunikasi satu arah. Di sini pihak penerima tidak dapat memberikan informasi balikan.

    Atau sering juga disebut komunikasi broadcast (media penyiaran). Contoh yang sering ditemukan menggunakan mode ini adalah siaran televisi dan siaran radio. Disebut mode simplex karena saat anda menonton sinetron anda tidak diperkenankan untuk berkomunikasi dengan para pemain di sinetron tersebut. Kalo boleh ngobrol ama pemainnya bakalan berubah kali jalan cerita sinetronnya.

    Contoh lainnya adalah saat anda dimarahi oleh orang tua atau guru anda. Ya di sini anda tidak diperkenankan melakukan perlawanan karena inilah mode simplex alias satu arahMode ini dapat diaplikasikan saat media transmisi yang digunakan dikuasai penuh oleh pihak pengirim. Keseluruhan bandwidth digunakan oleh pengirimB. Half DuplexAdalah media komunikasi dua arah. Namun berbeda dengan duplex, half duplex berkomunikasi dua arah secara saling bergantian. Jadi saat terjadi komunikasi antara A dan B. Saat A mengirim informasi (berbicara) maka B akan menerima informasi (mendengarkan).

    Demikian terjadi proses yang sebaliknya (vice versa). Contoh media yang menggunakan media ini adalah radio walkie talkie. Mode ini sangat disarankan untuk pasangan yang sedang berpacaran karena komunikasi yang sebenarnya adalah saat satu pihak menyampaikan curahan hatinya maka saat yang satunya untuk mendengarkan.C. Full duplexDalam komunikasi full-duplex, dua pihak yang saling berkomunikasi akan mengirimkan informasi dan menerima informasi dalam waktu yang sama, dan umumnya membutuhkan dua jalur komunikasi.Komunikasi full-duplex juga dapat diraih dengan menggunakan teknik multiplexing, di mana sinyal yang berjalan dengan arah yang berbeda akan diletakkan pada slot waktu (time slot) yang berbeda. Kelemahan teknik ini adalah bahwa teknik ini memotong kecepatan transmisi yang mungkin menjadi setengahnya.3. Yang dimaksud dengan equipment sharing adalah beberapa sumber daya komputer bisamenjalankan peralatan pada saat yang sama. Contoh: pemakaian printer oleh beberapa komputer4.BASEBANDTeknik Transmisi BasebandBaseband adalah sebuah metode penggunaan media komunikasi dimana frekuensi yang dilewatkan pada carrier hanya satu buah untuk mentransmisikan data.Dalam teknik Transmisi BasebandSatu single data ditransmisikan secara langsung melalui kawat, dengan tegangan positif dannegatif.Interface RS-232 adalah salah satu contoh transmisi baseband.Informasi ditransmisikan dalam bidang dasar (bidang frekuensi asli)Oleh karena itu, dalam satu media tersebut hanya terdapat satu sinyal yang memiliki arti.

    Salah satu contoh pengguna metode baseband adalah ethernet. Lawan baseband adalah Broadband.BROADBAND:Teknologi Internet broadband secara umum didefinisikan sebagai jaringan atau servis Internet yang memiliki kecepatan transfer yang tinggi karena lebar jalur data yang besar. Kecepatan transfer yang biasa dijanjikan oleh servis broadband adalah sampai sekitar 128 Kbps atau lebih. Meskipun jalur data yang disediakan untuk penggunanya sangat lebar, teknologi Internet broadband biasanya jalur ini akan dibagi dengan pengguna sekitarnya. Namun jika tidak ada yang menggunakan, maka Anda akan menggunakan sepenuhnya jalur lebar tersebut. Meski tidak selalu demikian kondisinya, namun tren broadband di Indonesia memang demikian.5.Transmisi serial adalah transmisi data dimana dalam satu satuan waktu hanya satu bit yang disalurkan, dengan demikian data yang terdiri atas banyak bit, dikirim secara ber-urutan, satu persatu. Setiap komputer diperlengkapi dengan saluran serial atau serial-port (RS-232C), yaitu saluran yang bisa menerima / mengirim data secara serial.Transmisi paralel adalah transmisi data dimana dalam satu satuan waktu beberapa bit (biasanya 8-bit) bisa disalurkan bersamaan.

    Apa perbedaan antara komunikasi parallel dan serial key

    Pada komputer tersedia juga saluran paralel atau paralel-port misalnya saluran yang dihubungkan dengan printer ketika akan mencetak data.Pada kenyataan, komunikasi jarak jauh melalui kabel banyak dilakukan secara serial, misalnya saluran telepon, karena untuk transmisi paralel diperlukan kabel 8-kali lipat kebutuhan kabel pada transmisi serial Posted in. Dalam sistem komunikasi data dikenal beberapa macam perangkat keras:a. Tranmission linesd. Concentrator (pengumpul)a TerminalMerupakan alat yang melayani proses I/O, jadi merupakan penghubung antara manusia dengan mesin.

    Apa Perbedaan Antara Komunikasi Paralel Dan Serial Killer

    Pemilihan terminal ditentukan oeh kebutuhan pada saat ini dan melihat perkembangan di masa datang.b KomputerKomputer atau prosesor yang dibutuhkan untuk sistem komunikasi data berbeda dengan prosesor untuk pengolah data. Banyak komputer dapat melayani kegiatan komunikasi data, asal saja perangkat keras dapat mengambil alih tugas yang kurang dapat dikerjakan secara efisien oleh prosesor tsb. Kebutuhan utama prosesor pada komunikasi data ialah mengolah data yang datang secara cepat dalam sistem real-time.c Transmission LinesSupaya data dapat diterima oleh penerima diperlukan suatu media untuk membawa data tersebut. Medium tersebut dinamakan Saluran Transmisi (transmission lines). Pada dasarnya sistem transmisi dapat membawa data secara listrik atau elektro optik dan melalui satu kanal telekomunikasi. Nama: Muhamad Azis FikriNIM: jurusan: TI – mavibPeserta sidangNIM: Nama: Ari SaputraJenjang: S1Jurusan: TI – MavibJudul Projecr TA/Skripsi:rangkuman sidang:Peserta sidang mengangkat topik permasalahan perancangan media penunjang promosi yang diberi judul “perancangan redesign corporate identitiy di PT Finansia multi finance. Penelitian yang dihasilkan adalah pembuatan buku grafik standar manual yang dimaksudkan agar pembuatan logo sebagai corporate identity suatu perusahaan,tersusun secara sistematis, dan tidak terjadi kesalahan persepsi /pandangan didalam penerapan logo pada setiap media yang ada.

    Dan dari project yang dibuat, software yang digunakan adalah coreldraw X7, adobe photoshop CS6. Pertanyaan:Implementasi Komunikasi Data dalam organisasi/perusahaan digunakan terutama dalam Pemrosesan data. Metode pemrosesan data yang paling umum digunakan adalah metode Batch Processing dan metode Realtime Processing.Jelaskan secara singkat perbedaan dari kedua metode tersebut serta berikan contoh penerapannnya dalam proses bisniskerjakan pada iME anda, dan anda cukup memberikan linknya.Status: finish 100%keterangan: saya sudah mengerjakan tugasBatch Processing merupakan suatu model pengolahan data, cara kerja batch processing adalah menghimpun data terlebih dahulu, dan diatur pengelompokkan datanya dalam kelompok-kelompok yang disebut batch. Tiap batch ditandai dengan identitas tertentu, serta informasi mengenai data-data yang terdapat dalam batch tersebut.

    Setelah data-data tersebut terkumpul dalam jumlah tertentu, data-data tersebut akan langsung diproses. Bactch processing ini merupakan metode pengolahan data yang banyak digunakan.Contoh: pembayaran tagihan listrik atau telepon rumahReal Time merupakan suatu sistem pengolahan data yang membutuhkan tingkat transaksi dengan kecepatan tinggi. Hal ini mengingat bahwa kebutuhan transaksi harus diperoleh pada saat yang sama, sebagai bagian dari pengendalian sistem secara keseluruhan. Sistem ini memungkinkan untuk mengirimkan data ke komputer pusat, diproses di komputer pusat seketika pada saat diterima dan kemudian mengirimkan kembali hasil pengolahan ke pengirim data saat itu juga.Contoh: pembelanjaan online,reservasi tiket pesawat & kereta api Posted in. Essay: Listening Comprehension Section TestCategory: iMe Leave a CommentTHE HEINEMANN TOEFLAudio scriptListening Comprehension Section TestPart A (EXLSTA)1. I really enjoyed that article.

    Me, tooWhat does the man mean?A. He isn’t too fond of reading.B. He would like to read the articles, too.C. He read two articles.D.

    He agrees with the woman2. How long is Grace doing at her new job?. I haven’t heard from her lately.What does the man imply about Grace?A.

    He hasn’t spoken to her for awhileB. She doesn’t hear well.C. She has been going to work late.D. She enjoys her new jobs.3. Where can I find the milk?. It’s in the dairy section next to the cheese.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a Laundromat.B.

    In a grocery storeD. At a restaurant.4. I heard you’re not feeling well. I just seem to be going from bad to worse.What does the woman mean?A. She’s going to bed.B. She’s feeling much better.C. She’s feeling worse all the timeD.

    She’s going to see a doctor.5. Isn’t this a gorgeous painting!.

    Apa Perbedaan Antara Komunikasi Paralel Dan Serial Pdf

    No kidding!What does the woman mean?A. She doesn’t like the painting.B. She thinks the man is joking.C. There are no children in the painting.D. She agrees with the man6.

    I need to study for my history midterm. Shouldn’t you study for your English test, too?What does the man suggest?A. The woman shouldn’t study too hard.B. He doesn’t want to study for any more tests.C. The woman should study for both testsD. There are too many tests this term.7.

    What the matter, Mary?. Are you having trouble with your lab experiment?. I’m at the end of my rope!How does Mary feel?A.

    Professor Carvellas, would it be possible for me to take my exama few days ahead of schedule. Sure thing.What does Professor Carvellas mean?A. He has to check on a few things first.B.

    He has never heard of such a thing.C. The woman may take the test earlyD. He isn’t sure it will be possible.9. Did you ever make that phone call?. Actually, I got Janice to do it.What does the man mean?A. Janice called someone for himB. He didn’t actually make it home.C.

    Janice called him.D. He took Janice home.10. When will Karen finish her thesis?. I don’t know. She keeps putting it offWhat does the man say about Karen?A. She has finished her writing.B. He doesn’t know where she put her things.C.

    She is postponing her work.D. He doesn’t know when she will do the thesis11. I went skiing yesterday. Oh, so there was snow after all.What had the women assumed?A. That the man had fallen in the snow.B.

    That the man didn’t like to sky.C. That there wouldn’t be any snowD. That the weather would be too bad for traveling.12. I’m not sure where the cafeteria is.

    It’s not far. Why don’t we walk over there togetherWhat is the woman suggesting?A. She is hungry.B. She will show the man where to goC. The cafeteria is too far away to walk to.D.

    She has never been to the cafeteria before.13. Do you mind if I borrow your dictionary?. Jane has it right now.What can be inferred from the man response?A. Jane owns the dictionary the woman wants to borrow.B.

    He doesn’t want the woman to use his dictionary.C. His dictionary is not available right nowD. Jane has the right information.14.

    Can you hear the birds singing?. I could if the traffic weren’t so heavy.What does the man mean?A.

    He doesn’t want to go out in this traffic.B. It’s too noisy to hear the birds now.C. The birds are terrific.D. He cannot hear the birds over the noise of the cars15.

    Have you been visited Yellowstone National Park?. Visited! I used to be a tour guide thereWhat does the man mean?A. He knows a tour guide in the parkB. He knows the park very well.C. He has a good guide book the woman can use.D. He isn’t used to taking tours.16.

    Susan certainly looks tired today. She went up all night working on her term paperWhat does the woman say about Susan?A. She needs to finish her paper.B. She always works at night.C. She hasn’t had many papers this term.D. She didn’t go to bed last night17. Aren’t you ready yet?.

    The movie starts in ten minutes!. I thought we were going out tomorrow night.What does the woman mean?A. She doesn’t want to see the movie.B. She’ll be ready in ten minutes.C. She hadn’t planned on going out tonightD.

    She’ll think about going out tomorrow.18. I don’t have enough money to pay for these books now. Can you send me a bill?. We don’t do that anymore.What does the man mean?A. The woman must pay for her books nowB.

    He doesn’t sell books anymoreC. The woman has enough money after allD. He doesn’t need any more books.19. So, what do you think of Jack’s new car?. It was in the shop being repaired while I was visiting him.What does the woman imply?A.

    Jack was busy repairing his car during her visit.B. Jack’s car isn’t new.C. She didn’t get to see Jack’s car new carD.

    She went shopping with Jack for a new car.20. Aren’t our room ready to move into yet?. The cleaning crew is just gearing up!What does the woman mean?A. The rooms are now ready.B. The cleaning room crew has now equipment.C. They should look for someone to clean the rooms.D.

    The rooms haven’t been cleaned yet21. What can I ask to type my final paper?. What about Clara?. She doesn’t seem to be too busy these days.What does the woman mean?A. Clara might be are now readyB. Clara doesn’t seem interested in finishing her school work.C. Clara is too busy to work for him.D.

    He could type his own paper at Clara’s house.22. I’m afraid I’ll have to get a job next semester. I can’t afford my rent anymore. Have you thought about looking for a less expensive apartment?What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Move to a more affordable apartmentB.

    Pay the rent a little at a time.C. Look for a smaller place to live.D. Find a job near his apartment.23. The project I’m working on will take several months to finish.

    Good thing it’s not due until May!What does the man mean?A. He has several things to do in May.B. The woman needs to start her project today.C. The woman has time to finish her projectD. He will do some work with the women in May.24.

    Karen missed the test today. I heard. What I need to know is when she can make it upWhat does the woman mean?A. She wonders when Karen can take her testB.

    She heard that Karen missed a few questions on the test.C. She wonders when Karen can help her write the test.D. She heard that the test was too difficult for Karen.25. Have you read that novel I lent you?. I can’t seem to get into it.What does the woman mean?A. She doesn’t understand what the man wants.B. She hasn’t been able to find the book.C.

    She doesn’t like reading novels.D. The book doesn’t interest her very much26. I can hardly see to drive, the sun is so bright.

    All you need is a good pair of sunglasses.What does the woman imply?A. She will drive the man to see the eye doctor.B. The sun won’t be as bright in the afternoon.C. The man shouldn’t be driving in this weather.D. The man’s problem could easily be solved27.

    Listen to that wind!. The paper said it should die down by this evening.What does the woman mean?A. The wind will not last through the nightB. The strong wind could be dangerous.C. The man should check the paper tonight.D. The sound of the wind doesn’t bother her.28.

    What’s that big book you’re carrying?. You mean this one?.

    Oh, that’s my new dictionary. All English majors had to buy oneWhat can be inferred about the women?A. She works at the bookstore.B. She is majoring in EnglishC. She doesn’t know what the man means.D.

    She doesn’t want to carry her dictionary.29. Look, we know you’re busy, but you come late to every meeting!. I’m so sorry!.

    I didn’t realize that it bothered you all so much.What will the woman probably do?A. Start coming to meetings on timeB. Stop going to the meetings.C. Go to a different meeting.D. Find out what is bothering the man.30. Didn’t Sharon go to the meeting with you last week?.

    Even if she hadn’t had other things to do,I wouldn’t have bothered her to go to that one.What does the man mean?A. He doesn’t know why Sharon didn’t bother to come to the meeting.B. Sharon has been missing too many meetings lately.C. Sharon seems bothered by the amount of work she has to do.D. He didn’t feel it was necessary for Sharon to attend the meetingPart B (EXLSTB)Questions 31 through 34.

    Listen to a conversation between two friendsYesterday a man came and tested the water in my apartment.He told me that it was “hard” and that I should have it “softened.”What did he mean by that?Well, hard water is water that has a lot of mineral in it.So, what? The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children, may be more an American ideal than an American reality. Of course, the so called traditional American family was always more varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious customs among different American groups, but today diversity is even more obvious.The most recent government census statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fits the traditional mold of two parents and their children, and another third consists of married couples who either have no children or have none still living at home. An analysis of the remaining one third of the population reveals that about 20 percent of the total number of American households are single people, the most common descriptor being women over sixty-five years of age. A small percentage, about 3 percent of the total, consists of unmarried people who choose to live together; the rest, about 7 percent, are single parents, with at least one child.There are several easily identifiable reasons for the growing number of single-parent households.

    First, the sociological phenomenon of single-parent households reflects changes in cultural attitudes toward divorce and also toward unmarried mothers. A substantial number of adults become single parents as a result of divorce. In addition, the number of children born to unmarried women who choose to keep their children and rear them by themselves has increased dramatically.

    Apa Perbedaan Antara Komunikasi Paralel Dan Serial

    Finally, there is a small percentage of single-parent families that have resulted from untimely death. Today, these varied family types are typical and, therefore, normal.In addition, because many families live far from relatives, close friends have become a more important part of family life than ever before.

    The vast majority of Americans claim that they have people in their lives whom they regard as family although they are not related. A view of family that only accepts the traditional nuclear arrangement not only ignores the reality of modern American family life, but also undervalues the familial bonds created in alternatives family arrangements. A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the Earth. Since temperature rises about 1°F for every sixty feet under the Earth surface, and pressure increases with depth, water that seeps down in cracks and fissures until it reaches very hot rocks in the Earth’s interior becomes heated to a temperature of approximately 290°F.Water under pressure can remain liquid at temperatures above its normal boiling point, but in a geyser, the weight of the water nearer the surface exerts so much pressure on the deeper water that the water at the bottom of the geyser reaches much higher temperatures than does the water at the top of the geyser. As the deep water becomes hotter, and consequently lighter, it suddenly rises to the surface and shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water. In turn, the explosion agitates all the water in the geyser reservoir, creating further explosions. Immediately afterward, the water again flows into the underground reservoir, heating begins, and the process repeats itself.In order to function, then, a geyser must have a source of heat, a reservoir where water can be stored until the temperature rises to an unstable point, an opening through which the hot water and steam can escape, and underground channels for resupplying water after an eruption.Favorable conditions for geyser exist in regions of geologically recent volcanic activity, especially in areas of more than average precipitation.

    For the most part, geysers are located in three regions of the world: New Zealand, Iceland, and the Yellowstone National Park area of the United States. The most famous geyser in the world is Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park. Old Faithful erupts every hour, rising to a height of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption.

    Apa Perbedaan Antara Komunikasi Paralel Dan Serial
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